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How did Jesus defeat sin and death?

This is how Jesus conquered and defeated sin for us. Jesus conquered and defeated sin for us by his death and burial. The Scriptures say this ”For on the cross Jesus became sin” (This does not mean he became sin literally and this does not mean he became sin himself. We know this because he (Jesus) is sinless and perfect). What God is telling and showing us through this passage of Scripture is this "Jesus (himself) is the sin offering that we offer back to him (God) for the forgiveness of our sins. So, remember people of the world, Jesus is not sin, he is the sin bearer and he is the sin offering. Jesus is the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world. What God was showing and revealing to mankind was this "Jesus Christ on that cross represented sin before God's sight and before God's presence. People of the world before God's sight sin is shameful, ugly, and naked before him just as the sight of Jesus was on that cross. God views sin as abominable. What God was also revealing to us is that "All sin must be, and all sin will be condemned before God."

Jesus bore the sins of the whole world on and in his body (1 Peter 2:24). Jesus himself (his body that is) is the atoning sacrifice for our sins (1 John 2:2) (Hebrews 7:27). So since Jesus is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and since Jesus bore the sins of the world on and in his body, and furthermore since Jesus represented sin on the cross, this ultimately meant when Jesus died, sin died, and when Jesus was buried, thus sin was buried. And, the eternal punishment (hell) that comes from sin died along with him. So once again when Jesus was buried this meant sin was buried and has been done away with. So, in conclusion Jesus had to die because it was essential, and it was the only way for sin to die. The only way for sin to die would be for Jesus to die for us. People of the world God condemned sin on and in the flesh of Christ. God punished Jesus on the cross for our sins by pouring his full wrath upon him. Jesus died, and this meant sin died and was condemned on and in the flesh of Christ. The only way for our sins to be forgiven would be for Jesus to substitute his life for ours and for him to shed his perfect life's blood for us on the cross. And praises be to God the Father that he did this for us!

So, in God’s eyes when you believe in Jesus'death, burial, and bodily resurrection, your sins have been nailed to the cross of Christ with Christ himself (Galatians 5:24), and your sins have died and been buried along with Christ himself. This is good news my people! Do you have an idea what this means of what I just said unto you? Here's the revelation revealed unto you "This means your sins and the eternal punishment for them have been buried with the death of Jesus our Savior (who is your Savior). Thus, your free from punishment and condemnation not because there is none, but because Jesus your substitute and Savior has already paid your punishment for sin in full from God the Father on that cross at Calvary. Now God remembers your sins no more. Because one again the full punishment and the full payment for your sins has been paid in full by the shed blood of Jesus and by his sacrificial substitutionary death on the cross (Romans 3:19-31) (Romans 6:1-11) (Ephesians 1:7) (Colossians 1:14) (1 Peter 1:18-19) (1 John 2:2) (Hebrew 7:27) (Revelations 1:6). So once again sin has been conquered through the death of Jesus’ body on the cross and when he was ultimately buried.

This is how Jesus conquered and defeated death for us. Jesus conquered and defeated death for us by his glorious resurrection from the dead. The resurrection of Christ is where our whole faith, hope and assurance rest on my people. If Jesus had not risen from the grave people of the world our whole hope and faith in Christ would be worthless and would be in vein. If Jesus didn’t arise from the grave, then this would have meant he was not the Son of God but rather just another man who died. But Jesus indeed arose from the grave three days after his death and this risen Savior was witnessed by over 500 witnesses (Acts 2:22-24) (Acts 13:26-38) (Philippians 2:6-11) (Matthew 27) (Matthew 28:1-20) (Mark 16:1-20) (Luke 24:1-8, 45-48) (John 20:1-31) (1 Corinthians 15) (Acts 1:1-11). Death was conquered when Jesus arose from the grave. Jesus conquered it because he proved he was victorious and triumphant over death because the grave could not hold him. And this same (Jesus) is alive now and forevermore and he can never die again (Romans 6:8) (Revelation 1:17-18)!


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